2 Day Lecture with Judon Fambrough
Oil and Gas Law for the King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management
January 7 & 8, 2016
Kingsville, TX
Link to the program with the agenda and registration information:
Registration fee is $300.
The course is NOT approved for ACE.
From Judon: This will be my last time to present the program. It’s one-and-a-half days of lectureship with a half-day tour. In the past, the tour has been to drill sites on the King Ranch. I hope this continues along with the evening meal at the Kings’ Inn following the tour. I think it will be worth the time and money. The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Center is something in itself.
Judon Fambrough, Senior Lecturer, Real Estate Law, Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
Judon is an attorney specializing in property rights, including oil and gas, wind power, hunting leases and landowner liability. He answers 1,000+ phone calls and e-mails each year and travels the state lecturing on the intricacies of Texas law. He has authored over 300 Center publications, many of them consistently among the most requested and has 250,000+ downloads yearly. Judon was awarded two Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star while serving in Viet Nam.