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Rural Land Values Workshop

January 26, 2016

The Chapter will be conducting our annual Texas Rural Land Values Workshop for 2015 during our upcoming Spring meeting.  This workshop is led by Dr. Charles Gilliland from the Real Estate Center. The workshop is open to non-members for 4 hours of ACE. The annual land value trends report will cover 2015’s trends throughout Texas. As is customary, the first presentation of the Texas Chapter’s value trends will be in April during the Real Estate Center’s annual Outlook for Texas Land Markets. Lands of Texas Magazine will be helping us to print the 2015 version like they have for the last two years . The report will also be on the Texas Chapter website for download. As a reminder, in the published report, the names of the Chapter Members who participate in developing the estimates and trends for each reporting region will be listed. The list will include all contact information. A Chapter member, who works in more than one reporting region and assists in the data collection for each of the regions, will be listed more than once.

Here Is What Needs to Be Done – All Texas Chapter Members need to participate in the 2015 Land Value Workshop and provide summaries of their most meaningful sales, by land use or type, to the Team Captain(s) for the region(s) they work in. Sales sheets and maps, with specific sales data, are not needed. Each member’s input is “the key” to another good report!

Regional Captains:
Region 1, BL Jones, ARA
Region 2, Karl Armstead, ARA-Retired
Region 3, Victor Probandt, ARA
Region 4, Scott Seely, ARA
Region 5, Wayne Young, ARA
Region 6, Merrill Swanson, ARA
Region 7, Wendell Wood, ARA

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